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Real-Time Systems

Real-time components are integral parts of many industrial and embedded IT solutions. Real-time systems range from simple communication boards to mission-critical avionic or medical distributed systems where technology maturity is of ultimate importance. Interface Ltd. delivers mature solutions in real-time operating systems design, development and optimization made for real-time control, preciseness and high reliability.

In its real-time software development projects, Interface Ltd. always delivers unmatched performance levels and, furthermore, sets the industry standards for reliability, fault tolerance, and scalability. Interface Ltd. has solid and diversified experience capabilities in Real-time OS solutions delivery projects that combine both industry standards elaboration and complex real-time software development. Customers of Interface Ltd. receive high-end technical solutions that speed up their routine product development processes utilizing our extensive background in high-availability real-time software development and its in-depth real-life industry knowledge.

Interface Ltd. provides continuous engineering functions for a number of industry leading OS, software and OEM vendors. In this capacity, Interface Ltd. operates Remote Engineering Centers (RECs) for its clients and has accumulated significant experience in:

  • Device Drivers and Subsystems Development. Developers from Interface Ltd. have comprehensive experience in Real-time OS drivers design and development. Interface Ltd. takes pride in the fact that its development team is able to develop any Real-time OS driver, with particular concern for its clients’ needs;
  • Complex Communication Software Development. Having provided communications software development for years, Interface Ltd. has well-honed experience with a wide range of Real-time OS-applicable communications technologies;
  • Real-time OS Kernel Development. Interface Ltd. offers custom real-time operating systems kernel development services aimed at satisfying the needs of the clients;
  • Real-time OS Maintenance (including bug fixing and customer support). Our engineers are experts in efficient Real-time OS maintenance, determining and analyzing defects, and offering high-end solutions;
  • Real-time OS Migration (software and hardware platforms). Interface Ltd. can offer any Real-time OS porting project to its customers, offering a unique combination of quality and speed;
  • Quality Assurance (including custom testing tools development and implementation). Interface Ltd. provides a full range of testing services covering a wide variety of methods and testing types.

Our engineers have extensive hands-on experience working with the following real-time operating systems:

  • VxWorks;
  • LynxOS;
  • pSOS;
  • QNX;
  • OSE.

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