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Software localization and translation services

Translation and Software Localization

Interface Ltd. has a department of experienced translators with technical or scientific specialization. Our working languages are English, Russian, and French. We can localize your solutions and software to the Russian market.

Experience our experience

To ensure the top quality and rapid turnaround we use specially-compiled and customer-proved glossaries. By your request, a translated text can be presented in a camera-ready form.

We have an experience in ERP/MRPII systems and software localization, translation of manuals, white papers, corporate data sheets, etc. Among our translation works we have articles on Oracle Applications, iRenaissance ERP system, Borland Software products, Rational Software and Centura Software Products.

Gateway to Russian Software Development Resources

If You Wish to Find a Professional Team of Developers…

Owing to our broad relationships and membership in Russian IT associations, we can also find a team of high-skilled IT professionals to work for you offsite. Your benefit is saving both your time and money.

We can either recruit an established developer team or create a new one for you, maintaining a strong and effective cooperation.

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