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Structural analysis of random data. W-edge allows one to analyze various images and 2- and 3-D databases by selecting stable clusters.

For: geology, medicine, environmental assessment, and non-destructive testing.

W-edge was developed and used to solve applied problems such as searching deposits of mineral resources like gold deposits and oil/gas deposits by using measurement results of various geophysical fields (magnetic, gravitational and radiations in various spectrum regions). It can also be applied in other promising fields including medical image processing, environmental assessment, and non-destructive testing.

W-edge finds clusters of points, which form stable structures with self-organization properties.

Primary research is a mathematical clustered analysis. The matrixes are subjected to several transformation mathematical functions and converted into binary datasets. These binary datasets are used to classify points of matrixes and to select stable clusters of points. Stable clusters are the sequences of mutually enclosed areas from a complete set of points. The sequence starts from basic binary matrixes and finishes with the smallest structure; both of them from order structures of interest.


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